Ally McBeal is an American legal sitcom comedy-drama television series, originally aired on Fox from September 8, 1997 to May 20, 2002. Created by David E. Kelley, the series stars Calista Flockhart in the title role as a young lawyer working in the fictional Boston law firm Cage and Fish, with other young lawyers whose lives and loves were eccentric, humorous and dramatic. The series placed #48 on Entertainment Weekly's "New TV Classics" list. Well, what about it then? Sitting in front of my laptop, I have been thinking of my carefree life before, watching this series every night and habitually daydreaming.
Real life often imitates art, or vice versa - your perception all depends on the side from where you are looking. There was a morning I woke up thinking am I in my dream? Or am I in a reality wishing I am living in a dream? Weaving in and out of realities is a skill of writers comparable to somnambulism (Somnabulism, also called: noctambulism a condition that is characterized by walking while asleep or in a hypnotic trance). Thus, I am able to relate to Ally McBeal, a sort of alter-ego, who survives emotional turmoils by pretending they were only part of a dreamworld she can escape by waking up. Is there any profit in doing this?
Images On A Mirror
There are times when you cannot handle harsh realities, and so, you prefer sleeping. Why not? In dreams, you inhabit another life where you can control circumstances.You can transform your secret wishes and fantasies into daydreams where you are at your best, most skillful, and not intimidated by anyone.Sometimes, these daydreams inspire you, but to be truthful about it, daydreams may contribute to your lack of interest in transforming realities. There are bills to be paid, and you need real currency to meet financial commitments. Real currency comes from real work, something that needs to be sent out as documents to real people.
Enterprising individuals have actually made a million dollar business out of customizing dreams to fit your "most secret wishes". Hypnotherapy is only one of the few tools used to "make your wishes come true". Books are also a powerful tool of catering to secret wishes - and making them "come true"! Readers or viewers identify with one of the characters of a favorite novel, movie, or a television series - and so they become as humorous, popular, powerful and successful. No matter how far out of touch with reality, a story line finds "believers" because it serves the purpose of self-satisfaction. So, what's the purpose of knowing?
Imagination and creativity are skills cultivated with practice. Both feed on past and current experiences of real life. Life is a drama, a comedy or a dramedy - depending on your perception and presentation, which in turn make use of imagination and creativity. My advice to you out there, if you would care to take it: Live life, learn from it all you can, and if you are so inclined, make a living by sharing what you have learned. Don't lose the privilege of being hurt, being sad, being alternatively happy and sad, being alternatively hurt and healed - such circumstances are all part of being human. The element of surprise makes life an adventure.
So there, all that explains how a writer is born. Just message me for more tips on good writing.
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